Image,SKU Code,Name,Details,IEC- TStd,DIN-TStd,EN-TStd ,PILL-00-5-DF,Industrial Service Pillar,5 X 3 Phase DIN00 160A Service Pillar with Allowance for feed cables directly fed to Busbar-Model AL365 PILLAR,,, ,PILL-00-2-BI,Industrial Service Pillar,2 X 3 Phase DIN00 160A Service Pillar with DIN SIZE 00 160A 3P Bus Diconnet-Model AL310 Pillar,,, ,PILL-00-3-BI,Industrial Service Pillar,3 X 3 Phase DIN00 160A Service Pillar with DIN SIZE 00 160A 3P Bus Diconnet-Model AL310 Pillar,,, ,PILL-00-4-BI,Industrial Service Pillar,4 X 3 Phase DIN00 160A Service Pillar with DIN SIZE 00 160A 3P Bus Diconnet-Model AL310 Pillar,,, ,PILL-00-5-BI,Industrial Service Pillar,5 X 3 Phase DIN00 160A Service Pillar with DIN SIZE 00 160A 3P Bus Diconnet-Model AL310 Pillar,,,